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Version 6.0 rev.5 FTP1
What's new in QuickWave version 6.0 rev.5 FTP1

In QW_Editor
. During optimisation with QW-OptimiserPlus and bi-phased objects in QW-Editor, it has been necessary to suppress mesh expansion by EXPANDMESH command (inherent in many library UDO scripts) during the Final phase. This is achieved with SETSUSPFLAGS UDO command. Its second argument was a dummy numeric value in earlier software versions. Now its value of 1 sets skip_EXPANDMESH Boolean internal QW-Editor flag, the value of 0 resets this flag. The skip_EXPANDMESH flag is active only during the parsing of main UDO and sub-UDO's called by it. It is automatically reset after the main UDO parsing pass.

In QW_Simulator
1. Bugs fixed for Grid Search for 1 variable and 1 or 2 Steps per Range or for more than 10 results.

In UDO Editor
1. Correction of missed last line after save.

New features of QuickWave software version 6.0

Clik here to find out more about revisions of version 6.0

We hope that our users will enjoy the changes. We would like to hear your feedback in this regard, and constructive criticism will also be appreciated!

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