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OMP version
2. OMP version

QW-MultiSim, the family of multithread implementations of QW-Simulator for multiprocessor machines, has been enriched with a new OMP version (ker1omp.exe). This version uses OpenMP programming standard (www.openmp.org) to accelerate the FDTD loop. The default number of created threads in the Visual C++ implementation of the OpenMP standard is equal to the number of virtual processors, including hyperthreading CPUs. The user can control this number by setting “OMP_NUM_THREADS” system environment variable. The OMP version speedup depends on number of processors and computer architecture. Moreover, it is also model dependent. For large 3D models we have observed 1.8 speedup on PC computers with 2 physical processors (not cores, not HT). The user can run ker1omp.exe without any changes in the model prepared for the sequential QW-Simulator.
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