discover accurate EM modelling
EXPOPT (<Suppress singularity corrections>, <Suppress density/SAR>, <Allow BHM>) - Sets export options (equivalently to File-Export options dialogue). Parameters: 1 - check option (on), 0 - uncheck option (off), else ignore parameter (option not changed).
BHMOPT (<Allow heat flow>, <Allow rotation>, <Movement>) - Sets BHM mode options (equivalently to Heating details dialogue). Parameters: 1 - check option (on), 0 - uncheck option (off), else ignore parameter (option not changed).
HTIMES (<First EM steady state>, <Consecutive EM steady states>, <Heating pattern construction>, <Total heating time>, <Heating time step>) - Sets BHM Tasker times (equivalently to Heating details dialogue).
BHMROT (<Object name>, <X0>, <Y0>, <Speed>, <Angular step index>) - Sets Rotation parameters (equivalently to Heating details dialogue). Angular step index has to be integer divisor of 360 ([2..360]).
FDMCOMP (<Ex>, <Ey>, <Ez>, <Hx>, <Hy>, <Hz>) - Set FDM components (0 - turn off, !=0 - turn on)
NTFFA (<lower frequency>, <upper frequency>, < frequency step>, <phi_theta_strings>) - Enables NTF FixAng. postprocessing <phi_theta_strings> - “phi1 theta1; phi2 theta2; …”
POSTP (<postprocessing_index>, <on/off>) - Turns on/off postprocessings and changes their options. <postprocessing_index> refers to consecutive options (check boxes and radio buttons) in the Processing / Postrpocessing dialogue and described therein.