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New UDO commands, objects, and libraries
Several new UDO commands have been implemented: HTIMES, EXPOPT, BHMOPT, BHMROT, FDMCOMP, NTFFA, POSTP.
EXPOPT (<Suppress singularity corrections>, <Suppress density/SAR>, <Allow BHM>) - Sets export options (equivalently to File-Export options dialogue). Parameters: 1 - check option (on), 0 - uncheck option (off), else ignore parameter (option not changed).
BHMOPT (<Allow heat flow>, <Allow rotation>, <Movement>) - Sets BHM mode options (equivalently to Heating details dialogue). Parameters: 1 - check option (on), 0 - uncheck option (off), else ignore parameter (option not changed).
HTIMES (<First EM steady state>, <Consecutive EM steady states>, <Heating pattern construction>, <Total heating time>, <Heating time step>) - Sets BHM Tasker times (equivalently to Heating details dialogue).
BHMROT (<Object name>, <X0>, <Y0>, <Speed>, <Angular step index>) - Sets Rotation parameters (equivalently to Heating details dialogue). Angular step index has to be integer divisor of 360 ([2..360]).
FDMCOMP (<Ex>, <Ey>, <Ez>, <Hx>, <Hy>, <Hz>) - Set FDM components (0 - turn off, !=0 - turn on)
NTFFA (<lower frequency>, <upper frequency>, < frequency step>, <phi_theta_strings>) - Enables NTF FixAng. postprocessing <phi_theta_strings> - “phi1 theta1; phi2 theta2; …”
POSTP (<postprocessing_index>, <on/off>) - Turns on/off postprocessings and changes their options. <postprocessing_index> refers to consecutive options (check boxes and radio buttons) in the Processing / Postrpocessing dialogue and described therein.
< postprocessing_index > :
1. FD-Probing postprocessing
2. FD-Pavailable postprocessing
3. [S]-differential postprocessing
4. [S]-direct postprocessing
5. Eigenvalues postprocessing
6. Near-to-Far postprocessing
7. NTF FixAng. postprocessing
8. FD-Monitors postprocessing
9. Apply check box in the Prony method frame
10. Multi simulator button in the S Parameters extraction frame
11. Multithread check box in the S Parameters extraction frame
12. reciprocal N-port check box in the S Parameters extraction frame
13. reciprocal lossless 2-port check box in the S Parameters extraction frame
14. S_PARAMETERS (obsolete)
15. SK1 at reference planes (Sk1 at reference planes)
16. SMN_PARAMETERS_NEW (obsolete)
17. STEMPLATE_PARAMETERS (Sk1 at reference planes or Smn at reference planes)
< on/off > - 0 - turn off, a number not equal 0 - turn on
A new new fdmpostproc_EH.udo has been added to elib/monitors library for activating FD-Monitors co-processing for selected field components.
New UDO files have been added for defining horizontal helices in the elib/helices library.
A new Chiral structures library results from QWED experience in the European FP6 project CHISMACOMB. Within the project, QWED has developed new expertise in the modelling of new multifunctional materials, based on novel honeycomb and chiral cores.
The V2Dreflant library contains objects used for setting up a double-reflector Cassegrain horn antenna. Examples of axisymmetrical antennae analysis with QW-V2D have been described in a recent IEEE Microwave Magazine "Industrial design of axisymmetrical devices using a customized FDTD solver from RF to optical frequency bands" article.
The snapshots below illustrate other new UDO libraries and objects introduced in version 7.5 for ferrites, lumped impedances, resonators, and screens.