Take your unique chance to work with QWED team under the Polish Space Fellowship Program!
The 9th Edition of the Polish Space Fellowship Program, organised by the Polish Space Industry Association (ZPSK) and Agencja Rozwoju Przemysłu S.A. (ARP), has been launched. An internship is being carried out at QWED in the evaluation of image restoration techniques for mapping of materials with Dielectric Resonators.

QWED is a Polish high-tech SME of 15+ R&D engineers, successfully competing on the international markets with corporations of 10 000+, in the areas of computer electromagnetic simulations and material measurements at GHz frequencies. QWED flagship products are:
QuickWave electromagnetic simulation software, with supporting modules for thermal phenomena, operated through different Graphical User Interfaces, from the industrial standard Autodesk Inventor Software to FreeCAD-based QW-Modeller
microwave dielectric resonators including SPDRs defined by the European Standard: IEC 61189-2-721:2015

QuickWave software matches and often outperforms the simulation packages by ANSYS, CST, and COMSOL. QWED resonators are advocated by KEYSIGHT as a valued extension to its Vector Network Analysers but also used in conjunction with VNAs of other test & measurement brands including ANRITSU and Rohde & Schwarz.

Since 2019, QWED operations averaged at 10 resonator units sold per months and one licence transaction per week. The commercial success marked by a recent sale of the 1000th measurement test-fixture is backed up by premiere classe scientific research led by 2 state professors and coordinated by 2 PhDs.

We seek a passionate engineer - researcher willing to join in our groundbreaking works and  ambitious developments, in the frame of industrial and publicly co-funded R&D projects (including European Horizon Framework) in two focus areas:
multiphysics computer simulations
modelling-assisted  measurements of electromagnetic parameters of materials for different industry sectors (including but not limited to: space, automotive, energy & batteries)