Ceramika współwypalana w ultra niskiej temperaturze dla elektronicznych układów szóstej generacji (6G)

ang. Ultra-Low Temperature Co-fired Ceramics for 6th Generation Electronic Packaging
Konkurs/Call: M-ERA.NET 2 Call 2020
Instytucja finansująca/Financing Agency: Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju / National Centre for Research and Development
Krajowe Konsorcjum realizujące Projekt/ National Consortium:
Lider Konsorcjum/Consortium Leader: Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - Instytutem Mikroelektroniki i Fotoniki (Ł-IMiF)
Konsorcjanci/Consortium: QWED Sp. z o.o.
Konsorcjum międzynarodowe/International Consortium:
Lider Konsorcjum/Consortium Leader: Fraunhofer Institute for Ceramic Technologies and Systems (IKTS) (DE)
Konsorcjanci/Consortium: Lukasiewicz-Instytut Mikroelektroniki I Fotoniki (L-IMiF) (PL), QWED Sp. z o.o. (PL), Laboratoire d'électronique des technologies de l'information (CEA Leti) (FR), INOVEOS (FR)
Okres realizacji/Duration: 01.09.2021 - 31.08.2024
Głównym celem projektu ULTCC6G_EPac jest wytworzenie nowych materiałów funkcjonalnych na bazie zaawansowanych technologii wielowarstwowych (ULTCC), ich charakteryzacja (np. w zakresie własności elektrycznych) oraz demonstracja ich zastosowania w wybranych urządzeniach telekomunikacyjnych.
The main objective of the ULTCC6G_EPac is to develop novel functional materials based on advanced multilayer technology (ULTCC), characterise their properties (e.g. electrical) and to demonstrate and validate the telecommunication devices based on the ULTCC6G_EPac.
ULTCC6G_EPac Events:
January 22-24, 2025, San Juan, Puerto Rico
5th MTT-S Latin America Microwave Conference (LAMC 2025)

January 19-22, 2025, San Juan, Puerto Rico
2025 IEEE Radio & Wireless Week (RWW2025)

August 11-14, 2024, Montreal, Canada
IEEE MTT-S International Conference on Numerical Electromagnetic and Multiphysics Modeling and Optimization

July 1-4, 2024, Wroclaw, Poland
The 11th Microwave & Radar Week MIKON

June 16-21, 2024, Washington, USA
IEEE International Microwave Symposium

June 3-5, 2024, Namur, Belgium
INDTech Conference on Industrial Technologies

June 4, 2024, Warsaw, Poland
Space Sector Forum

April 9-11, 2024, Anaheim, USA

October 25-27, 2023, Taipei, Taiwan
18th International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly and Circuits Technology Conference

September 25-28, 2023, Mainz, Germany

12th International Conference on Microwave Materials and Their Applications MMA2023

September 11-14, 2023, Cardiff, UK
19th International Conference on Microwave and High-Frequency Applications: AMPERE 2023

June 28 - 30, 2023, Winnipeg, Canada
IEEE MTT-S International Conference on Numerical Electromagnetic and Multiphysics Modeling and Optimization (NEMO'2023)

June 27-29, 2023,  Denver, Colorado, USA
57th Annual Microwave Power Symposium (IMPI 57)

June 11-16, 2023,  San Diego, California, USA
International Microwave Symposium 2023

May 8-12, 2023,  Noordwijk, Netherlands
1st Space Microwave Week

April 26-28, 2023,  Vienna, Austria
4th EMMC International Workshop 2023

January 22-25, 2023, Las Vegas, Nevada, US
IEEE Radio & Wireless Week : Invited Talk, Women in Microwaves.

January 18-20, 2023, Orlando, FL, US
Electronic Materials & Applications Conference of The American Ceramic Society.

November 14-18, 2022, Online
IEEE Ukrainian Microwave Week: Invited Lecture, Women in Engineering Meeting.

September 26-29, 2022, Milan, Italy
52nd European Microwave Week.

September 12-15, 2022, Gdansk, Poland
24th International Microwave and Radar Conference MIKON.

June 19-24, 2022, Denver, Colorado, USA
International Microwave Symposium IMS 2022.

June 14-16, 2022, Savannah, Georgia, USA
56th Annual Microwave Power Symposium (IMPI 56).
Articles, Presentations, Posters & Outreach:
J.Koper, M. Celuch, M. Olszewska-Placha and P. Korpas, "A Comparative Study of Deblurring Methods for Dielectric Resonator Scans of Material Surfaces", 2024 IEEE MTT-S International Conference on Numerical Electromagnetic and Multiphysics Modeling and Optimization (NEMO'2024), 12-14 August 2024, Montreal, Canada,
M. Olszewska-Placha, J. Varghese, B. Synkiewicz-Musialska, Microwave and THz characterization of dielectric properties of bulk glass-ceramic composites and ULTCC substrates, IEEE Xplore Proc. 25th International Microwave and Radar Conference (MIKON), Wrocław, Poland, 01-04 July 2024, 327-329. DOI: 10.23919/MIKON60251.2024.10633917.
J. Koper, M. Celuch, M. Olszewska-Placha, P. Korpas, "Evaluation of Image Restoration Technique for Dielectric Resonator Mapping of Materials", IEEE Xplore Proc. 25th International Microwave and Radar Conference (MIKON), Wrocław, Poland, 01-04 July 2024, 228-231
M. Celuch, M. Olszewska-Placha, L. Nowicki and W. Gwarek, "A Novel Q-Choked Resonator for Microwave Material Measurements Alleviating Sample Thickness Limitations of Existing Techniques", in IEEE Microwave and Wireless Technology Letters, vol. 34, no. 6, pp. 845-848, June 2024, doi: 10.1109/LMWT.2024.3397912.
M. Olszewska-Placha, "2D Scanner for Surface-Wise Measurements of Complex Permittivity of Emerging LTCC and ULTCC Materials", Microwave Application Seminars MicroApps TUMA2, 18 June 2024
M. Olszewska-Placha, J. Varghese, B. Synkiewicz-Musialska, "GHz and THz Characterization of Novel ULTCC  Materials for Emerging Technologies", Proceedings of 58th Annual Microwave Power Symposium (IMPI 58), Reston, USA, 29-31 May 2024, pp. 112-114
Malgorzata Celuch, Marzena Olszewska–Placha, Lukasz Nowicki, Pawel Kopyt, Jerzy Cuper, "Evaluation of Surface Roughness of Copper Foils for 5G Applications Using Novel mmWave Resonators", Apex Expo IPC, Anaheim, USA,  April 9, 2024.
Marzena Olszewska-Placha, Jobin Varghese, Dorota Szwagierczak, Manhica Birgit, Steffen Ziesche, Janusz Rudnicki, Beata Synkiewicz-Musialska, "Bulk glass-ceramic composites and ULTCC substrates for microwave and millimetre-wave applications", Materials Research Bulletin, Volume 177, 2024, 112862, ISSN 0025-5408.
"Microwave and THz Characterization of Dielectric Properties of New ULTCC Materials for 5G and 6G Systems", Marzena Olszewska-Placha, Jobin Varghese, Dorota Szwagierczak, Janusz Rudnicki, Beata Synkiewicz-Musialska, Steffen Ziesche, 12th International Conference on Microwave Materials and their Applications, 28 September 2023
Presentation: B. Salski, M. Olszewska–Placha and P. Czekala, "Microwave Characterization of Liquids with Resonant Methods", 57th Annual Microwave Power Symposium (IMPI 57) of the International Microwave Power Institute, Denver, Colorado, USA, 27-29 June 2023.
Presentation: "Modelling based large surface testing of LTCC and ULTCC substrates for antenna array design", M. Olszewska–Placha, D. Szwagierczak, J. Varghese, J. Rudnicki, B. Synkiewicz Musialska, M. Ihle, S.Ziesche, IEEE MTT-S International Conference on NEMO, Canada, June 28, 2023.
Say Phommakesone, Lucas Enright, Marzena Olszewska-Placha, Urmi Ray "mmWavePermittivity Standard Reference Material Development", IMS Industry Workshop IWWE6 Wednesday, 14 June 2023.
Presentation: "Advances in Computational Modeling and Materials Characterization for the Microwave Power Industry",  M. Celuch, M. Olszewska–Placha, WMG-4 Workshops on International Microwave Symposium 2023, 12 June 2023.
Presentation: "Benchmarking of Current Industrial Best Practices and Emerging Techniques for the Consistent Electric and Dielectric Characterisation of Materials from Microwave to Millimetre Wave Ranges", Malgorzata Celuch , Marzena Olszewska Placha, Lukasz Nowicki, Janusz Rudnicki, 1st Space Microwave Week 2023, 8-12  May 2023.
Presentation: "From Computational Electromagnetics to Modelling Based Characterisation of Materials for Electronic and Energy Technologies", M. Celuch, 4th EMMC International Workshop 2023, 26-28  April 2023.
Poster: "Twinned Modelling - Characterisation (MODA-CHADA) Solutions for Electronic and Energy Materials: from H2020 MMAMA and NanoBat to M-ERA.NET ULTCC6G_Epac and I4BAGS Projects", M. Celuch, M. Olszewska-Placha, J. Rudnicki and L. Nowicki, 4th EMMC International Workshop 2023, 26-28  April 2023.
Presentation: "Modelling Based Characterisation of Materials from Micro to Millimetre Waves", Malgorzata Celuch, IEEE Radio & Wireless Week, Women in Microwaves Event Las Vegas, Nevada, January 22, 2023.
Presentation: "Evaluation and extensions of resonator techniques for the characterization of ceramics and energy materials relevant to 6G applications", Marzena Olszewska–Placha, Malgorzata Celuch , Lukasz Nowicki, Janusz Rudnicki, Electronic Materials and Applications 2023, S21: Materials, Devices, and Applications in 6G Telecommunications, 19 January 2023.
Presentation: "Microwave characterisation and modelling of materials in European initiative", M. Celuch, 2nd IEEE Ukrainian Microwave Week UkrMW, November 14-18, 2022, Online.
ULTCC6G_EPac information leaflet - presented at European Microwave Week, September 26-29 2022, Milan, Italy.
M. Olszewska-Placha, D. Szwagierczak, B. Synkiewicz-Musialska, J. Rudnicki, J. Kulawik, "GHz Characterisation of dielectric properties of ultra-low temperature co-fired ceramic materials for 6G systems application", 24th International Microwave and Radar Conference, 12-14 Septemeber 2022, Gdansk, Poland - poster.
Marzena Olszewska-Placha, Dorota Szwagierczak, Beata Synkiewicz-Musialska, "Simulation-based resonant material measurement technique for precise characterization of LTCC and ULTCC materials towards 5G applications", 2022 IEEE MTT-S International conference on Electromagnetic and Multiphysics Modelling and Optimization (NEMO 2022), July 6-8, 2022, Limoges, France, - abstract.
Presentation: B.Salski and M. Olszewska-Placha, "FDTD modeling of microwave power applicators", invited paper, 56th Annual Microwave Power Symposium (IMPI 56) of the International Microwave Power Institute, Savannah, GA, 14-16 June 2022.
M. Celuch, M.J. Hill, T. Karpisz, M. Olszewska-Placha, S. Phommakesone, U. Ray, B. Salski, "Benchmarking of GHz resonator techniques for the characterisation of 5G/mmWave materials", 51st European Microwave Conference, London 2-6 April 2022, pp. 568-571 (copyright European Microwave Association, EuMA).
M. Olszewska-Placha, M. Celuch, "5G Electronics: Bridging the measurement challenges", 18th International Conference on Device Packaging, March 7-10, 2022.
Presentation: M. Celuch, M. Olszewska-Placha, J. Rudnicki, "Simulation-based resonant imaging of electronic materials for enhanced design in 5G and other emerging technologies", Electronic Materials and Applications EMA 2022 virtual conference, 19-21 January 2022.
Presentation: M. Olszewska-Placha, "Computer modelling - a virtual laboratory for emerging technologies" at virtual IEEE Day 2021, Poland, Oct. 2021.
ULTCC6G_EPac project is co-funded by the Polish National Centre for Research and Development under M-ERA.NET2/2020/1/2021 contract.
M-ERA.NET 2 has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 685451.