D-band Fabry-Perot Open Resonator
We are pleased to announce our new D-band Fabry-Perot Open Resonator. Together with Rohde&Schwarz ZNA26 vector network analyser and ZC170 millimetre wave converters, D-band FPOR allows for precise and accurate measurements of dielectric sheets in 110-170 GHz range.
Similar to lower frequency versions, D-band FPOR delivers unprecedented accuracy (better than 0.25% (1%) for dielectric constant (loss tangent)) and high repeatability due to automated and software-controlled operation.
See the dedicated Rohde&Schwarz application card and contact us (e-mail: molszewska@qwed.eu) if you are interested to learn more.
Measurement results of various dielectric materials obtained with Fabry-Perot Open Resonator fixture